
Summer 2024 Photo Dump!

September 26, 2024 | Last Quarter Moon in Aries | Keila Sachi Gaballo (they/she)

Yikes. Another blog post starting with, “Wow it’s been a while.” A year and a half this time. I’ve realized why this happens, though. I was talking to a friend about it today and I think it’s related to my late-diagnosed AuDHD and more specifically my dyslexia. I don’t have a medical diagnosis for dyslexia but it is commonly comorbid with AuDHD. I’ve done a lot of research and reading of others’ experiences and I didn’t realize how much of my struggle is explained by similar experiences to what other dyslexic people have shared. I won’t get into all that here, though. But it has made me really thinking about how I can reshape how I do this “journal”/blog/vlog (?) here on my website and substack. I’ve tried just being less concerned about spelling and grammar and punctuation and all that. Literally just treating it like a journal. But it still takes so much mental and physical energy that I’m already limited on to begin with. I’ve tried doing it where I record myself talking—mini podcast-style, then transcribing it. I think that was a closer version to what will work for me. But I’m thinking of trying another way where I start with the artwork, maybe add some video focused on that piece with a voice-over, then a short accompanying journal/blog for those who want some extra juicy details.

I love doing these photo dumps, it’s a great way to remind myself that even in seasons of extreme hardship, there’s still so much in my life to celebrate and be grateful for. It’s a message that’s hard to receive when you’re drowning and overwhelmed with tragedy after tragedy. But when I take the time to make art like this fun little collage, it feels like it’s really coming from an authentic place of true joy, not a place of “I have to be grateful because I was told that I have to be,” or a place of gas lighting, invalidation, and denial.

Below, you can find a digital photo dump collage I put together for the Summer of 2024—one of the most challenging seasons we’ve had in a while. But there was still so much good that happened for our family.

How was your Summer? How is the start of your Autumn? For those of you in the Southern Hemi… I hope you had a wonderful Winter. Does it feel like Spring yet or is it still pretty chilly? I’m definitely grateful for the weather starting to cool down here in SoCal. I can’t wait for it to truly be fall sweater weather, though.

Sending you all lots of love.



[image description: digital photo collage depicting the highlights of Summer 2024, events described below:


Photo of Family (Keila, PJ, Ellie, Ren) at the park with gold #1 balloon on Ren’s first birthday!

“Officially a walker” Photo of Ren posing with this toy push car he received as a gift on his birthday.

Photo of Keila + sister (Sophie) in her grad cap and leis post graduation ceremony, “UCR grad.”

Photo of Ellie posing with green matcha ice cream in a pink cafe.

Photo of Ren sitting on Keila’s shoulders. Keila is wearing their green oversized long sleeve button shirt and black shorts. Text written next to photo reads “moved in w/ Aga in May. My health improved and my body became kinda functional again.”

Sun with sun rays and smile and a book doodle.


2 photos of Ellie and Ren exploring and playing at the public library. “lots of library love”

Photo of Keila + Ellie eyeing 2 huge shave ice bowls.

Photo of Ellie, Ren, + PJ posing in front of fancy 85 degree bakery birthday cake on PJ’s 29th birthday

Photo of Ren, Keila, and PJ in front of PJ’s birthday present… a new (to us), white Tesla model 3

Photo of Ellie moving wood as she learned to build a campfire from her cousin (doodles of fire on top).


“BOBO my new wheelchair <active wheelchair symbol>!” Photo of Keila with Ren on lap while sitting on their new, lightweight wheelchair that they found for super cheap on Offer Up. Some spokes decorated with rainbow spoke covers.

Photo of Keila in their wheelchair, posing with Shar Tui’asoa at her art gallery show opening in Think Space called “Time Before Us.”

Photo of one of Keila’s favorite artworks at the show of a person sitting on some grass with a tree in the background. They have dark brown skin, long black hair in braids, and yellow pants and two-toned orange top.

Photo of PJ’s new Phoenix, AZ shirt that he picked up on his first work trip to AZ! Excited to plan a family move out there soon.

Photo of Ren getting his first hair cut! Sitting in red + blue spidey team car while hairdresser is cutting his hair.

Photo of Ellie, Ren, & PJ in Gaballo household pool, text written reads “Moved in w/ Tutu & Papa

Photo of Keila’s right hand holding up “peace sign” (two fingers up), wearing green nail polish, moon hajichi visible, written text reads “nail polish self care” signifying the start of using nail polish and nail care at home as a form of creative self care.