But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Last Quarter Moon: releasing energies reach its peak, turn inward, decline, relax, reflect (Journal on those deep emotions, discover what you can release now, maybe even consider sharing it with a loved one.)
Transit Scorpio: water, heightened emotions, deep, powerful feelings, empathy, sensitive, tendency to hide true emotions from others
February 15, 2020. Happy Belated Valentine's Day to you all! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday with yourself, your family, your friends, your loved-ones... But just a reminder: you aren't limited to one day a year to show this kind of love to yourself and others.
I had a lot of fun teaching three back to back classes on Valentine's Day! We had a perfect moon and transit sign to really dive deep into our intentions to show love this lunar cycle. Check out this IGTV video I posted inspired by most of the movement we were doing in those classes yesterday!
The moon is now in its last quarter--this means that its releasing energies are at its peak. This is the perfect time to turn inward, reflect on all the action and steps that you've taken towards your goals and intentions over the past few weeks. Sometimes we don't see results right away and need to release those expectations of a perfect outcome. Sometimes we're lucky and we manifest everything we envisioned right away! Either way, there's still always work to be done to release and let go. There is always something there held in your body, or your mind, maybe even an emotion that can be released in order to help you move even deeper. Imagine this: you set an intention to take the biggest breath of your life. Visualize and feel yourself take that deep breath in... and hold it. Inspect it, think about it, examine it. Is it really your biggest breath? Let's say that it is! Congratulations! You did it! You took the biggest breath of your life! But did you really? If you're still holding onto it, is it really complete? Exhale. Release. Let it go. The good, the bad, the ugly. All. Of. It.
Our moon was in a very deep and intensely emotional sign for Valentine's Day and today. Transit SCORPIO! (That's my moon sign, too.) Scorpio is a water sign, and with it brings heightened emotions and powerfully empathetic feelings. One thing I just learned, though, is that when the moon is in scorpio, there may be extra tendencies to hide these deep emotions. While it may have been implemented for a true purpose--to guard and protect--it definitely should not be applied as a blanket rule across the board. I bought "The Little Book of Astrology" by Marion Williamson from Barnes and Noble a while ago and just opened it up again to look at what it had to say about the moon in Scorpio. It was so interesting and I could definitely see many of those traits in myself. I wanted to share the Scorpio Moon Lesson that is written in the book:
Scorpio Moon people heal by exposing their pain to the world instead of always trying to keep it hidden or disguised.
The Little Book of Astrology by Marion Williamson (p. 76)
This is definitely something that I am trying to learn to do. It was a big reason I created this website: so that I could share openly about the ups and downs of my healing journey, in hopes of guiding you through yours as well.
Whether you are a scorpio moon like me, or not, I think this is a very important lesson and skill to learn. I see it in the scripture from the Bible that I shared at the beginning of this post as well. I always knew that was a deep verse, but it just resonates so much more when I see it connected to this reflection. We all go through so much heartache and pain in this world as a result of sin and darkness. Its negative impact in our lives allows us to see it as something bad that should never be shared, let alone seen as strength. My favorite part of this verse is when it says "I am content with my weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities." That is an extremely powerful statement, and a beautiful reflection of God and all He is capable of. He can help us to not only move through these struggles, but embrace and appreciate them as part of our story and purpose as well.

It takes strength to cry
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I'd like to share a story about me and my Valentine. My hubby, PJ, and I were friends for a while before we started dating but when we started getting to know each other better and share our deeper stories, a real connection started to form. He told me about some very emotionally traumatic experiences that he had been through and started to cry. I could tell he was holding back and felt ashamed of his tears. I reassured him that "it takes strength to cry." Facing those hard emotions and sharing it with someone else take so much courage.
This was such a pivotal point in our relationship because I not only gave him a safe place to open up and share, but also showed him the strength behind his pain. I recognized that strength that he was labeling as weakness. Now the real challenge is for me to start recognizing my own hardships as strength, too.
Show Love
How can I expose a more vulnerable side of my emotions and how can it help me to show love? I guess I should first shed some light on one of the big limiting beliefs that prevents me from sharing those deeper pains:
"Showing any uncomfortable emotion is unloving because it will make others uncomfortable or upset."
I have had plenty of supportive people in my life that have showed me that this is very untrue, but somehow, it still holds truth in my core being. However, now that I am more aware of this automatic response, I can be more conscious in attempting to break these patterns. By sharing more openly with my loved ones, they can better understand what I am going through and we can build a much deeper, loving relationship. On top of that, there won't be as many snaps and emotional bursts on my part for holding it all in for so long--allowing me to show a little more love to everyone, rather than unintentionally spilling my stress and irritation on them.
I pray for all of you out there going through deep pain and heartache to find some peace within your body, mind and soul. I would never wish any hardships on anyone, but I also know that they are an inevitable part of life. I pray that we can start to see these struggles as our strength because it is what builds deeper connections and drives love into each relationship.