
New Moon Intention: Show Love

[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Corintians 13:7

New moon: BEGINNING, new cycle, new intentions. Connect with true purpose, passion, mission. (Try: I am/I feel... mantras when goal setting)

Transit Aquarius: new, unusual, improvement, progressive change, personal freedom, ideas, brainstorming

January 24, 2020. Yes, today--the day of this website launch--is a New Moon. Yes, that was intentional. This is a perfect time for planting new seeds, for creating new intentions! There's no better time than now to connect with my true purpose, passion, and mission. The whole purpose of the launch of this website and journal is to share all of that with all of YOU.

Our New Moon is passing through Aquarius. One thing special about this New Moon in Aquarius today is that our sun is also passing through Aquarius! When the sun and moon sign match, it can often represent a perfect balance of energy, a good representation of our inner world and emotional being matching what the outer world sees, and how we are perceived by others. It may be a little easier to express your authentic self with ease. (*Side note, my little sister is an Aquarius sun and moon. A crazy weirdo, with a strong will to express her true personality and desires at all times.)

If you aren't familiar with astrology and the significance of sun and moon signs, I'll break it down as best as I can for you here (I'm still learning a lot about this, too!)

Many of us are familiar with what our sun sign is (the sign that the sun was passing through when you were born). However, the moon sign seems to be forgotten because it is doesn't measure or show the same physical characteristics. This is one reason I find it really important to tap into the energy of the moon when setting my intentions. Our society needs a little more balance between the masculine energy of the sun and the feminine energy of the moon.

I HOPE I HAVEN'T LOST YOU YET! I know it sounds super woo-woo and crazy to think that something outside of our world can have an effect on what happens here on this Earth. I didn't really think much of it before, either. Until I looked at it from a scientific perspective... We can observe the effects that the moon has on our oceans and the tides, and on other non-human animals. We are also animals and up to 60% of our body mass can be made up of water. That was enough for me to realize that there are definitely other forces of energy other than our own free will at work in our lives. HOWEVER, if you are still skeptical, that's totally ok, I get it, it's a pretty weird concept. There is still something you can take away from all of this though... even if you do not believe in all of the energetic theories, you can still look at them as stories and inspiration. Even if it was all absolutely false, there's still a lot that these practices and ways of setting intentions can teach us about ourselves.

So, back to today's moon passing through Aquarius... it can bring about an energy of excitement for anything new, unusual or unknown. It can also be a time of improvement, progressive change, and longing for personal freedom.

The new moon energy combined with the characteristics of her transit in Aquarius has helped me to face the facts... in order to be my authentic self and truly 'show myself' without fear of the unknown, I need to let go of my past and let go of any negativity lingering in my body. This will help me to lean into a spirit of trust, hope, and perseverance. 1 Corinthians 13 is home to some of the most well-known Bible scriptures due to its use at weddings to explain and define what love is before the bride and groom. 1 Cor. 13:7 really stuck out to me last time we had a Bible study at my church on this chapter a few months ago and it just resurfaced for me again as I was contemplating on what my intentions should be for this first full cycle of 2020... and the first cycle of the Lunar New Year.

At each new cycle this year, I will choose a new word to fill in the blank "Show _____________." Of course, the overarching theme for the whole year is "Show Yourself," so, each word that I choose to fill in the blank will be a defining characteristic or trait that I have within me that I would like to share or reveal to the world around me.

Show Love

The Bible verse that I shared inspired me to choose 'love' as my word for this cycle. I also figured it would be pretty fitting with February, the month of love, coming up. The main thing that I am hoping to learn during this cycle is how to allow love to surface and be my protection, rather than taking my protection into my own hands. "Love always protects" so that I don't have to. Once I try to take control by protecting myself, the trust, hope and perseverance flies out the window.

One fun way to start to cultivate these thought patterns within yourself is to focus on setting mantras or affirmations at each new moon that will help you to envision what your future self will be like after this intention manifests. Start with "I am... or I feel..." statements according to how your future self will feel. For instance, mine for this current moon cycle will be:

  • I am safe
  • I am love
  • I feel free
  • I feel open

Try to find out what your own intentions are for this new lunar cycle and come up with some mantras to embody your future self today! Leave a comment below or share on my Instagram or Facebook what affirmations you came up with!

Namaste, God Bless.