Translation: Hello! Hajimiti Deebiru (Nice to meet you). Namaste (My soul honors your soul). Aloha (I share my joy and life energy with you), God Bless (may God bless you with good health, love, and joy).
I really like to learn words and phrases from other cultures because I feel that the English language is extremely limiting when it comes to fully expressing oneself. Maybe this was intentional in order for our souls to open up, search for ways to connect and express a deeper message that is hiding within. Maybe we each have a tiny portion of the bigger picture and we need to work together to put it all together.
This is my very first journal entry/blog post on my new website. I decided to call this my JOURNAL in order to help me intentionally share in a deeper way. I created a blog before, but I could feel this sense of competition and perfectionism to it. I felt like I had to out do all the other lifestyle bloggers out there who have all the perfect photography and videos, beautiful poetry, and incredible adventures to share. I want this to be a space of honesty, vulnerability, and openness.
I have always been a fortress, cold secrets deep inside. You have secrets, too... But you don't have to hide.
Elsa (Frozen 2)
Show Yourself
You may be wondering... what's with all the Frozen 2 references on your site? Well, first of all, it's my daughter's all-time favorite movie--and why shouldn't it be? It's incredible. But it also happens to be the inspiration of my intention that I set for 2020. I liked how the first movie uncovered a lot about how mental illness can affect every aspect of ourselves and our relationships. Frozen 2 just took it to a whole new level by revealing a bit of what the healing process looks like.
WARNING SPOILER ALERT (although, if you haven't seen it already, what are you doing?!) Elsa's major transformation happens when she finally pulls back all her layers of protection and insecurity to reveal who she truly is. I'll be completely honest, the first time I saw the movie, the message completely went over my head.
WARNING SPOILER ALERT (although, if you haven't seen it already, what are you doing?!) Elsa's major transformation happens when she finally pulls back all her layers of protection and insecurity to reveal who she truly is. I'll be completely honest, the first time I saw the movie, the message completely went over my head.
My first thought was... "I mean, I know she's excited to have unlocked some answers that she was looking for but wouldn't she be pretty disappointed after singing lyrics like, 'Show yourself, I'm dying to meet you. Show yourself, it's your turn. Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life?' She must have had at least a twinge of loneliness to be so excited to finally meet this person who she feels is the only one to truly understand her... only to find an empty cave."

After watching it again (and listening to the soundtrack a million times) I realized how much my initial reaction reflected how much I need that same experience for myself. I shook my head at how clueless I was to how deeply meaningful it is for someone to reveal who they really are, without the support and approval of someone else. Don't get me wrong, connection and community is extremely important. It's a big reason why I created Mahealani and Back--so that no one has to feel that they are alone through their struggles. BUT, this community cannot heal you, it cannot tell you who you are and what you should do and how you should live your life. Only you can do that. In order to unlock that healing potential that lies within, we need to discover who we are at our core. Once we are confident enough in our identities, we can then be grounded enough to reveal it to the world.
I'm grateful to have come to the realization that this is what I need to focus on this year. I am excited at how it is already manifesting in my life, and we are still only in January! I have made so many new friendships, I have learned so many new skills, and I have connected so many more dots between each of my passions... all because I have been leaning in to embrace this intention:
I'm so excited to be simultaneously finding and showing myself through this online journal. I can't wait to share this healing journey with you all and I pray that each of you following along will use some of my thoughts and reflections to help you on your own healing path... and that you will share it with the community! Your growth will help others cultivate it within themselves, too! Leave a comment below or hop over to my Instagram or Facebook to join in on the conversation there!
You are the one you've been waiting for all of your life.
Iduna (Frozen 2)
Namaste, God Bless.